What is VET?

VET stands for Vocational Education and Training. VET is a national system designed to prepare workers for industry, in areas such as construction, conservation and land management, community services, health, visual arts and more. VET awards include four certificate levels, Diplomas and Advanced Diplomas within the Australian Qualifications Framework.


The VET Quality Framework is aimed at achieving greater national consistency in the way training providers are registered and monitored.

All VET Registered Training Organisations (RTOs), including Tauondi Aboriginal College, are regulated under the National VET Regulator Act 2011 and its standards regulated by the Australian Quality Skills Authority (ASQA).

Courses Available at Tauondi Aboriginal College in 2024

Accredited Courses at Tauondi (Port Adelaide)

  • FSK10119 Certificate I in Access to Vocational Pathways
  • FSK20119 Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways

Short Courses (non-accredited)

  • Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC)
  • Safe Environments – Through Their Eyes Training
  • Yaitya Mingkamingka Purrutiapinthi — Tree of Hope — “Aboriginal Trauma Healing”

Entry Requirements

To enrol in a course at Tauondi Aboriginal College prospective students must:

  • be minimum of 17 years of age
  • be of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent
  • Sign the Personal Information Consent Form
  • Submit a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI)
  • Complete and have resulted, a Tauondi Literacy and Numeracy Assessment
  • Personal ID to verify your residential address
  • Course specific requirements (For more information regarding entry requirements, please refer to your course information)

These entry requirements are applicable to new students, continuing students and students transferring between courses.

How to enrol

  1. Collecting information and making choices
  2. Completing your form(s)
  3. Submit a valid Unique Student Identifier (USI)
  4. Complete an Literacy and Numeracy Assessment
  5. Interview with trainer
  6. Complete student induction.

Please note – acceptance into a course is not to be presumed. Eligibility will be based upon ABSTUDY Rules, Literacy and Numeracy requirements, an interview with vocational trainers for Certificate III, and/or student numbers required for that class to commence.